Solve Problems on Your Knees with Prayers!

Pray continually until breakthrough comes.

Saved by Grace Through Faith

God's promise is for those who believe and obey him.

Touching Lives

God's will be fulfilled on earth as in heaven.

Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Transforming Lives

Amplifying the word of God for Effective Faith

Salvation is free

Jesus came to deliver us from bondage and make us free.

The Power of Prayers

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances - in Jesus name ... Amen.

The Joy of the Lord is our strength!

Make a conscious decision to be happy and at peace all time.

Prayer for blessings and divine favour

Prayer for Blessings

    • Blessings /
    • Favour /
    • Spirit of Excellence /
    • Purpose Driven Life /
    • Fruitfulness
  • 1503

We also inherit everything on eath through the dominion power you have bestowed upon us when we became your sons and daughters in Christ and therefore, nothing is withold from us, in Jesus name.

Father, just as you blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I ask that you release abundant blessings over every areas of my life, that of my family, my relatives, friends, associates and those who are in need or facing difficulties, in the name of Jesus. Lord, I receive all your blesings from the heavenly realm now and I ask that you use me to be a blessings to others so that every areas of my life brings glory to your name and fulfilment of my divine destiny - in the name of Jesus.

 Let your blessings over my life be enveloped with love, joy, peace, prospertity, kindness, holiness and self control and flow to others. Make me favourable in your sight and in the site of all people on earth Father - both men and women.

Most of all Lord, have your way in me today and use me in anyway you want. May you guide my feet to places where I can go and open supernatural doors of blessings in every areas of my life that no one can shut.

Holy Spirit, I am depending on you to be my counselor in every moment and I ask that you let my words be seasoned with salt, my understanding be exemplary and wisome beyond that of common man. Lord, as you bless me, teach me to always nbe in communion with you every minute of every day and not to lean on my own understanding.

Lord, I cannot do anything without you, but you, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Thefore Father, I claim every blessing that you have prepared for me in the presence of my enemies. Make me stand where others fall and to succeed where others failed - in Jesus name.

I bless and thank You for choosing me before the foundation of the world that you have set me apart to be holy and blameless before youu all the days of my life. I worship you, adore you and bless your holy name in the mighty name of Jesus.

Amen and Amen...

Daily Effective Faith Quotes

God knew every mistake you would make and still made a good plan for your life one to prosper you and not harm you.
Paula White
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