Almighty God, you alone are God, you are the creator of the universe and the father of all. Lord, in this time, this moment and in my own way, I come before to bless, praise and adore you. Thank you for your faithfulness, your love and patience with us during all this time of trials.
Lord, you know all things and through your Spirit, there is hope for abundant life. Father in the name of Jesus we ask you for inner peace, calmness where there are turmoil and grace where anxiety exist.
Lord, fill our minds, should, body and life with your goodness and mercy in the mighty name of Jesus. You said that when we ask you will hear from heaven and answer us. So, Father, please forgive us of our known and unknown sins and answer our prayers for ourselves and loved-ones.
Father, we ask that you manifest glory in our lives and grant us peace, not as the world gives, but that can only come from you -John 14:27. We need your presence to take us through the troubles and despair that we encounter each day. Strengthen our mind, thoughts and will to be focused on you and breathe your breath of life on us.
Father, thank you for answering prayers and may you encourage us to keep feeding on your words to strengthen our inner man and to live a life that is pleasing to you.
Lord Jesus, I accept you as my savior and Lord. I admit I am a sinner and you died for me so that I can be saved and live with you eternally. I ask for your divine peace that you alone can offer. Thank you for taking my sins away, replacing it with the beauty of your peace. I embrace your divine peace for unity, my family and total healing. Father, take control of every aspect of my life and circumstances, in Jesus precious name.
We give you glory, honour and praise heavenly Father, in Jesus name.