Solve Problems on Your Knees with Prayers!

Pray continually until breakthrough comes.

Saved by Grace Through Faith

God's promise is for those who believe and obey him.

Touching Lives

God's will be fulfilled on earth as in heaven.

Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Transforming Lives

Amplifying the word of God for Effective Faith

Salvation is free

Jesus came to deliver us from bondage and make us free.

The Power of Prayers

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances - in Jesus name ... Amen.

The Joy of the Lord is our strength!

Make a conscious decision to be happy and at peace all time.

Prayer of Petition

Prayer of Petition

    • Healing /
    • Restoration /
    • Healing /
    • Deliverance /
    • Courage
  • 1296

Heavenly Father, you are the Most High and Lord of hosts. You reign supreme and the God who never change.

LORD, reveal the understanding and truth of your word to us through your Holy Spirit so that our hearts may be enlightened.

Give us opened minds, stir our hearts for you and wash souls so we obey and do your will each day.

Help us to turn our desires towards you Father and let men know you are the God who saves. May we be continually transformed and renewed by your word. May we hear your voice of life as we read and draw closer to you.

For this we give you thanks and praise, in Jesus name.


Daily Effective Faith Quotes

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11:25-26
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